Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Paid Internship Opportunity

Looking for a PAID internship?
Join us for an information session!

The HACU National Internship Program works
with federal and corporate partners to place undergraduates and graduate students in PAID internships related to their field of study. Join us on Friday January 23, 2015 to learn more about the upcoming Summer 2015 internship sessions, ask questions about the eligibility requirements, and get advice for the online application process.
When:                Friday January 23, 2015 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Where:               Your Computer or Smartphone – Webinar
To Register:      ClickHere!
Meeting Number:    804 973 925
Meeting Password: Phoenix2015

Join by phone: Please Dial 1-800-747-5150 and use access code 6026671

Gain work experience while living in a new city! Federal and corporate internships are available in the nation’s capital and in numerous cities across the US. Previous interns have lived and worked in Chicago, Denver,

New Orleans, Philadelphia, Seattle, St. Louis and more.